Inspired by Paula’s journey from anxious recluse to adventurer, speaker and author?
Ready to start finding your own adventure in life, work or relationships?
A fully qualified coach and communicator, Paula combines personal experience with practical knowhow to support others in making positive changes, improving their outlook, and seizing the lives they really want to lead.
Whether around relationships, work or life in general, coaching can help you wade through the options and guide you to make the decisions that best suit you.

If it’s time for you to take those next steps but you’re not sure of the right direction, Paula’s coaching can help you forge your path and equip you with the skills you need to move forward with confidence.

Coaching sessions with Paula are structured with you in mind, and can just as easily be outdoors as office-based, depending on your needs and learning style.
Wherever they are spent though, each 90 minute slot will be dedicated to you making real, lasting changes and challenging yourself to reach your potential.
When you deserve to live an extraordinary life, why accept an ordinary coach?
For a free, no-obligation consultation, contact Paula and start your adventure now.
Contact Paula now for:
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Life coaching
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Overcoming fears
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Career planning
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Confidence building
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Business / management coaching
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Adventure planning/development
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Goal setting
Please note: coaching/mentoring is very different from counselling, and Paula’s qualifications and expertise are not best suited to those currently in crisis.
While Paula is very happy to hear from you and will support you in any way she can, coaching is probably not an appropriate intervention for you at this time in your journey